What Is AN WhatsApp?

File Information of AN WhatsApp APK

App Name




App Size

60 MB


Ammar ALawadi

Android Version

Android 5+

Last Updated



Key Features Of AN WhatsApp Pro


The AN WhatsApp mod offers you the option to reply automatically to the sender by saving predefined text for replies. So, when someone sends you a message, the auto-reply feature sends them a message with the pre-saved reply.


The most important thing is that AN WhatsApp offers you to download an anti-ban version. Sometimes, many WhatsApp applications are banned due to something wrong, which creates problems for us. That’s why ANWhatsApp provides us with the premium version, which is not available on the Play Store.


This is another amazing key feature that is not available in official WhatsApp. In ANWhatsApp, you have the option to customize the sharing of files and media according to your own demand. You can send a file with a size of up to 700MB to someone in just one single click.

Blue ticks indicating message read status

With this app, when you reply to your contacts, they’ll see a blue checkmark under their message. This lets them know when you’ve read their message and when you’ve replied. This feature makes our privacy more secure for us.

Download Status

In official WhatsApp, if you want to save or download someone’s status, you need to download a separate status downloader app. But with ANWhatsApp, you can easily download anyone’s status from your contacts with just a single click.

Infinite message views

In ANWhatsApp lets you open messages as many times as you want, even those sent as ‘view once.’ It’s a clever feature that gives you an edge over regular WhatsApp users and keeps you ahead of the game.

View deleted statuses

In regular WhatsApp, if someone adds a story or status and deletes it before you see it, you can’t view that status. However, in ANWhatsApp, you can see deleted statuses with a deleted sign next to them for your contacts.


When you’re using another app and don’t want to be disturbed, including by WhatsApp notifications, you can enable the DNA feature to stop notifications. It also shows you as offline to others.

All Version

One of the most interesting things I’ve noticed is that ANWhatsApp offers all its versions, known as ANWhatsApp+1, ANWhatsApp+2, ANWhatsApp+3, ANWhatsApp+4, ANWhatsApp+5, ANWhatsApp+6, ANWhatsApp+7, ANWhatsApp+8, ANWhatsApp+9, and ANWhatsApp+10.

Download ANWA+1
Download ANWA+2
Download ANWA+3
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What Is AN WhatsApp V37?

How To Download and Install The ANWhatsApp APK?

What exactly is the AN WhatsApp APK?

ANWhatsApp is one such messaging and sharing application, which is a modified version of the official WhatsApp. The developers of this application have added extra features not found in the standard WhatsApp.

Is it safe to use AN WhatsApp?

Yes, it’s 100% secure to use. You don’t need to worry about your privacy. It provides more privacy features and ensures your privacy is even more secure.

Can we use multiple WhatsApp accounts on one device?

Yes, you can use more than one WhatsApp account on one device, but you need to have different phone numbers for each account.