What Is FM WhatsApp ?

Intro Of FM WhatsApp Mod APK

Information Of FM WhatsApp File

App Name

FM WhatsApp

App size

70 MB






Foud Makkad



Total Downloads


Main Purpose

Extra Chat Features

Last Updated

One Hours Ago

FM WhatsApp Key Features Overview

Hide View Status

In the original WhatsApp, you can’t hide your status from someone who wishes not to see it. However, in FM WhatsApp, you can easily hide your status from specific contacts. FM WhatsApp offers you the ability to hide your status from certain contacts while remaining visible to others. You can utilize this feature effortlessly.

Hide Online Status

As you know, the regular WhatsApp offers only optional features. However, in FM WhatsApp, you can utilize advanced features such as hiding your online status while using the app. This feature displays you as offline to your contacts while using WhatsApp.

Anti-Delete Messages and Statuses

This is a superb and amazing feature of FM WhatsApp. If someone sends you a message but deletes it before you read it, with this feature, you can still view the deleted message with a deleted sign. Similarly, if someone uploads a status and deletes it before you see it, you can view the deleted status with a deleted sign.

Auto Reply

FM WhatsApp offers you the ability to auto-reply to contacts. If someone sends you a message while you’re busy with someone else or working, and your auto-reply option is enabled, this feature will send the message you’ve saved for auto-reply.

Copy Status

In the original WhatsApp, if you want to copy or download someone’s status, you need a status downloader. However, if you are using FM WhatsApp, you can easily copy the status of someone in your contacts by just a single click.

Dark Mod

This is another amazing feature of FM WhatsApp that users will love to use. With this feature, you can appear offline to your contacts while using WhatsApp. When this feature is activated and someone sends you a message, the sender sees only a single checkmark, indicating you are offline. However, despite appearing offline, you can still reply to that message.

Hide Typing Status

In this feature, you can hide your typing status while typing. If you don’t want your chat partner to see that you’re typing, you can use this feature to hide your typing status.

Customization Options

FM WhatsApp provides us with many amazing options, such as changing font size, text style, chat background, themes, and other customization features.

Enhanced Privacy Features

FM WhatsApp offers enhanced privacy features to make our chats more secure, such as hiding your online status, blue ticks, typing status, and other privacy settings. You can also lock specific chats for added privacy and security, ensuring your personal information remains safe.

How To Download And Install The FM WhatsApp

  • First of all, if you haven’t downloaded FMWhatsApp yet, you need to download the application by simply clicking on the download button provided in the link.
  • When the FM WhatsApp APK has been downloaded, search for the download location where you downloaded this application, then open it.
  • Now you just need to grant permission to your device to install this application on your device.
  • Then Enable “Install apps from unknown sources” in your device’s settings.
  • When you grant permission to your device, it installs in just a second.
  • now the APK file has been installed on your device.
  • Open FM WhatsApp.
  • Confirm your phone number by entering an SMS code.
  • Personalize your settings, encompassing themes and privacy preferences.
  • Take pleasure in the extra features and customization choices in contrast to standard WhatsApp.

How to Update FM WhatsApp?

  • If an updated version is accessible, acquire the APK file onto your device.
  • If you’ve enabled app installations from unknown sources, just find the downloaded APK file in your device’s file manager. Then, tap on the APK file to initiate the installation process.
  • Upon updating FM WhatsApp, launch the application and verify your phone number, akin to the process of setting up a new WhatsApp account.

  • FM WhatsApp Download typically enables you to recover your past chat history from either the original WhatsApp or a previous version of FM WhatsApp. If prompted, proceed with the steps to restore your chats.
  • After installing the update, you can personalize your settings and preferences within FMWA, leveraging any new features or enhancements that the update brings forth.
What is FM WhatsApp?

FMWA APK is like a moded version of Simple WhatsApp that comes with extra cool features and lets you tweak things more to your liking.

Is it safe to use FM WhatsApp APK?

Yes, it’s totally safe. Don’t worry about your privacy. The APK application gives you more privacy. Some people say that this APK application isn’t safe to use, but they’re wrong. They download fake applications from social media and then blame APK files.

Can we use dual WhatsApp on one Android device?

Absolutely, yes, you can use more than one WhatsApp on one device. There’s an option for using dual or even more WhatsApp accounts on your Android device.

can we Auto update our FM WhatsApp APK?

No, FMWA does not offer an auto-update option. If you want to update to a new version, you’ll need to manually search for the latest version of FM WhatsApp on Google.

Final Words

Download FMWA Version 8.45 (Old Version)


FM WA Version 9.93 (Released in 2023)

DOWNLOAD FMWA (Version 9.93)