What Is GBWhatsApp Pro?

GB WhatsApp Pro

GBWhatsApp Pro App Details

Intro-the Key Features of GBWhatsApp Pro mod APK

I have discussed all these features properly in the provided link.

Key Features Of GBWhatsApp Pro.

Hide Bluetick

in this key feature you can hide bluetick during communication with your contacts. if you want to hide your bluetick then you need to hide bluetick option which given in application setting.

typing status hide

In this feature, you can hide your typing status while typing. When you are chatting with someone, they won’t see that you are typing.


this is another important feature of WhatsApp Pro which give you the Anti- Ban version some other WhatsApp are sometime banned this is Anti-ban Gb WhatsApp Pro.

status copy

This is another amazing key feature of WhatsApp Pro. You can easily download the status of your contacts without needing an additional downloader. Now, WhatsApp Pro gives you the option to download status


In this feature, you can automatically reply to the sender using this option. You just need to enable the auto-reply feature. When someone sends you a message while you’re busy, an auto-reply with a pre-saved text will be sent.


Now, WhatsApp Pro provides the DNA mode in the new update. If someone disturbs you while you are busy with someone else, this option will show the sender your offline status.

Anti- delete messages

“If someone sends you a message and deletes it before you’ve seen it, in this feature, you can see the deleted message in your chats with the ‘Deleted’ sign.

status length

In regular WhatsApp, you can only upload a 30-second status, but in GB WhatsApp Pro, you have the ability to upload a status with a length of 45 seconds.

change themes

GB WhatsApp gives you permission to change the theme, but regular WhatsApp doesn’t have this option.

FAQs of GBWhatsApp Pro Mod APK

Can we update to the new version with the latest updates?

Yes, absolutely! You can easily update to the latest version by going to Google and searching for the new update.

Is it safe to use GB WhatsApp Pro?

Yes, it’s totally safe to use. It’s a highly secure application, and user privacy has been safeguarded. Don’t worry about user privacy.

Can we use more than one WhatsApp on one Android device?

Absolutely yes, you can have more than one WhatsApp on your device. Just ensure you use different numbers; you cannot use the same phone number. If you want to use two WhatsApp accounts, you’ll need two phone numbers.

Final Words