What Is OG WhatsApp?

OG WhatsApp APK
OG WhatsApp

OG WhatsApp APK File Overview

App Name

OG WhatsApp

App Size

48 MB

Android Version








License Type




Last Updated

one day ago

Key Features Of OG WhatsApp Pro

Scheduled Pre-Built Messages

Scheduled Pre-Built Messages are like messages you write now but send later. You can set a specific date and time for them to be sent in the future. It’s handy because you can compose messages ahead of time and they’ll be automatically sent out later, without you needing to remember to do it yourself.

APK with Anti-Ban Protection

An “Anti-Ban APK” is like a special version of an app that’s been changed to help you avoid getting kicked out or blocked by the people who run the app. It’s adjusted to avoid the typical methods the app uses to catch people who aren’t following the rules. The idea is to let you use the app without worrying about getting banned or restricted for breaking any of the app’s rules or policies.

Make calls to contacts not in your list

If you’re using regular WhatsApp, you have to add a contact before calling or messaging them. But with OG WhatsApp, you can call or message someone even if they’re not in your contacts.

Feature to download status on rooted devices

With this amazing app, you can do more than just chat with friends and share photos. You can also post your own updates, getting closer to your family by sharing moments of your life through status updates and stories. Plus, you can download status updates and stories from friends and family, something you can’t do with regular WhatsApp.

Name your group with more than 35 characters

Regular WhatsApp lets us chat in groups, which we love doing with friends and family. It’s great because we can talk for hours without any problems. With OG WhatsApp, we can name our groups using up to 35 characters, instead of the usual 25. This means we can make up funny or interesting group names with more space to be creative.


With the avatar feature, you can spice up your profile picture. Instead of just putting up a regular photo, you get to make a cool custom avatar that really shows who you are. Making your avatar is easy and fun. You can pick from lots of different options like hairstyles, clothes, and facial features to make it look just right. This way, you can have a profile picture that’s totally unique to you and shows off your style.

Send Maximum File

OG WhatsApp feature allows you to send over 90 pictures simultaneously. Furthermore, you can share video clips of up to 50 MB and audio files of up to 100 MB with your contacts.

Customization Options

Users can make WhatsApp their own by choosing their profile pictures, status messages, notification settings, most important then can change their privacy factor and chat backgrounds just the way they like.

How To Download OG WhatsApp APK

If you want to download and install OG WhatsApp on your Android device, it’s very easy to do. You just need to remember a few steps, and I’ll discuss these steps with you. So, let’s get started.

  • First of all, you need to download this file on your Android device by simply clicking on the link provided above for download.
  • When you download this application, go to the file manager where the file was downloaded and open it.
  • Then give permission to your device to install this application by enabling “Unknown sources.”
  • When you give permission to your Android device to install, it can be installed within a few seconds.
  • Now you can use this application on your Android device and enjoy its amazing features.

FAQs of OG WhatsApp Mod APK

What is OG WhatsApp?

OG WhatsApp is like a improved version of regular WhatsApp. It’s not made by the same people or individuals who made the original, but it comes with extra goodies like more ways to keep your chats private, ways to make it look cooler, and some extra things you can do with it.

Is OG WhatsApp safe to use?

Yes, it’s 100% secure. Don’t worry about your privacy.

Can we use two WhatsApp accounts on one device?

Absolutely yes! You can use dual or more WhatsApp accounts on a single device.

How can we update OG WhatsApp?

You can get the newest version of OG WhatsApp from our website and install it just like you did before. It’s a good idea to back up your chats before updating.

Is OG WhatsApp free to download?

Yes, OG WhatsApp is totally free to download and use.

Concluding Thought