What Is YoWhatsApp APK

YoWhatsApp File Information


Comparison Yo WhatsApp vs Official WhatsApp Feature Showdown

Introducing Yo WhatsApp Key Features

YO Themes

In YoWhatsApp, there’s a special place called the “theme store” where you can find lots of different looks for your messaging app. You can take a peek at these themes, see how they’d look, and if you like one, you can use it right there easy.

Customization Options

YoWhatsApp has lots of different looks made by people like you and me. Some are really simple, while others are super colorful and fun. It’s like having a whole bunch of outfit choices for your messaging app.


Themes in YoWhatsApp can switch up now and then because new ones are always being made and added. So, if you want to see what’s new and keep your messaging app looking cool, just check for updates every now and then.

Privacy Features

YoWhatsApp sometimes has extra privacy features that you won’t find in regular WhatsApp. Like, you can hide options like when you’re online, when you’ve read messages, or when you’re typing. It’s all about keeping your chats private.

Hide Active Status

Conceal Active status” is a thing in apps like WhatsApp or YoWhatsApp. When you turn it on, others can’t see if you’re using the app or when you were last online. It’s like going invisible.

Enable Single Tick

In this key feature, you can hide the double tick when you’ve seen the sender’s message, and you can show them a single tick until you’ve read the message, indicating that you haven’t seen it yet.

How To Download And Install YoWhatsApp APK

  • First of all, you need to download this APK application on your Android device by simply clicking on the download button provided above on the page.
  • Then, go to the file manager where the file is downloaded and simply open it.
  • When you open the file, give it permission to install from unknown sources.
  • When you’ve given permission to your Android device, it takes a few seconds to install. Be patient, and then you can open the app.
  • Now you have installed YoWhatsApp on your Android device. Enter your WhatsApp number to start chatting with friends and enjoy these amazing features.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Of Yo WhatsApp

What is YoWhatsApp and how does it differ from regular WhatsApp?

YoWhatsApp is like a special version of WhatsApp made by other people, not the official creators. It comes with extra key features and you can customize things more than regular WhatsApp does.

Is YoWhatsApp safe to use?

Yes, it’s totally safe to use. Don’t worry about your privacy because it offers more privacy features and keeps your data secure.

How do I customize themes in YoWhatsApp?

Open YoWhatsApp on your device, Tap on the three vertical dots in the top right corner to access the menu, From the menu, select “YoMods” or “YoThemes.

Can We Use Dual WhatsApp In One Device?

Yes, you can use dual WhatsApp on one device.

Final Wording